访问 & 残疾的资源

The 访问 and 残疾的资源 Department (ADR) is committed to providing an inclusive learning experience for all students with disabilities. ADR strives to provide holistic support to students with disabilities through collaboration with faculty and staff.


  • 合理的住宿
  • 与残疾有关的学术指导和建议
  • 辅助技术和包容性设计教育

All ADR staff participate in ongoing professional development and keep current with best practices in the disability field.

Colleges and universities do not seek out students with disabilities due to privacy laws. Colleges and universities generally do not provide accommodations until a student requests them. 因此,你mg电子试玩app是很重要的. The ADR office will work with you to make sure you have the accommodations you need and will provide coaching on self-advocacy. 辩护的能力对你的生活和事业都有好处.


有关访问的更多信息 & 请联系mg电子试玩app残疾人资源办公室 & 残疾资源,网址: accessresources@doobale.com or 651.350.3008.


我的: 上午9点至下午4点30分
结婚: 上午9点至下午4点30分


MN部门. 人权


寻求服务的残疾学生负责联系访问 & 每学期残疾资源. 常见的住宿条件包括延长考试时间, 课程材料的备选格式, 适应性教室家具, 屏幕阅读器, 录音设备, 私人测试空间, 以及笔记的副本. Reasonable accommodations are determined in an interactive process that ensures that you have the accommodations you need to be successful.

事先计划是确保你得到及时和适当服务的关键. 在你第一次与信息获取总监会面时 & 残疾资源,您将讨论您的目标和潜在的障碍. The ADR department will work with you throughout your time at 圣保罗书院 to ensure that you have the resources that you need to be successful. Please note that accommodation practices in college are different from those in high school. Accommodation requests that ask academic departments to fundamentally alter their 项目 or that are determined to be unreasonable will not be provided. 你负责提供访问办公室 & 残疾的资源 with appropriate documentation as it relates to your disability and the accommodations you are requesting. Your disability information is maintained separately from your academic record in compliance with federal and state data practice laws.

学生 are highly encouraged to apply to 圣保罗书院 using the online application before enrolling with 访问 & 残疾的资源. If you need accommodations for a placement exam, please let us know before taking the exam.


  • Enroll in classes; please bring a copy of your class schedule to your intake appointment
  • 获取残疾证明文件(见下文)
  • Schedule an intake appointment with 访问 and 残疾的资源 by calling 651-350-3008 or by emailing accessresources@doobale.com. If you need an ASL interpreter, please let us know when setting up your appointment. Bring your documentation to your intake meeting and discuss what 合理的住宿 you may need during your time at 圣保罗书院.


  • 姓名,圣保罗理工学院ID号码或STARID号码,以及出生日期
  • 诊断及评估者姓名
  • 当前与学术环境相关的功能限制和/或症状


  • 高中IEP, IEP评估,或504/508计划
  • 诊断评估报告
  • 一封来自你的医疗保健提供者(心理健康治疗师)的信, 家庭顾问, 脊椎指压治疗者, 等.)
  • A completed disability documentation form (can be obtained by emailing our office or stopping in)
  • A letter from a county worker, vocational rehabilitation counselor, shelter social worker, 等.

mg电子试玩app不提供残疾诊断测试. 学生, 然而, who believe they may have a disability are invited to meet with ADR staff to discuss their concerns.



  • 学习机会均等, 工作并得到合理的安排, 学业调整和/或辅助辅助和服务
  • 获得平等学习课程可能需要的服务, 项目, 服务, 工作, 活动, 及学院提供的设施
  • 受到和其他学生一样的对待
  • 根据适用法律保护残疾信息的隐私
  • 及时报告任何不满


  • 向访问办公室提供适当的文件 & 残疾的资源 from an appropriate professional that describes the nature of the disability, 它如何限制课程/项目的参与, 并建议提供学术住宿
  • 通过访问办公室申请住宿 & 在每个学期之前或需要住宿之前提交残疾资源
  • 通知访问办公室 & 残疾的资源 of any changes in the registration schedule and/or needed accommodations
  • 及时负责地申请和使用批准的住宿
  • 如有需要,在校期间提供个人护理
  • 及时报告任何不满
  • 满足与校园其他学生相同的基本学术要求
  • 遵守mg电子试玩app学生行为准则
  • 遵守所有的程序和mg电子试玩app的政策和程序

访问办公室 & 残疾资源及责任
访问办公室 & 残障资源有责任做到以下几点:

  • Determine if a student is eligible to receive 合理的住宿 and/or modifications and/or other support 服务
  • 维护由适当的专业人员提供的学生残疾证明文件. 这是必要的资格证明
  • 尊重个人隐私,保持专业标准
  • Provide the least invasive, appropriate accommodations in the classroom and for test taking
  • Assist students in obtaining access to specific support 服务, such as tutoring and counseling
  • Notify the instructor in writing about the necessary accommodations and/or modifications as soon as possible and discuss the implementation of accommodations as needed
  • 为指导教师提供支持
  • Provide education to faculty and staff regarding campus commitment to implementing law and policy which assures non-discrimination for people with disabilities


  • Follow the prescribed accommodations/modifications in a fair, non-judgmental and timely manner
  • Maintain the student’s right to privacy concerning the disability and any accommodations
  • Provide timely access to course materials at the same time all other students receive the materials.


圣保罗书院 strives to provide a welcoming and accessible learning environment for all DHH students. 我们现场有美国手语(ASL)翻译, which allows you to make timely requests for interpreting 服务 for campus events and co-curricular 活动. 学生 and prospective students can arrange interpreting service by contacting the ADR office at accessresources@doobale.com. Staff and faculty should contact Human 资源 to request interpreting 服务 for employees. All 圣保罗书院 interpreters adhere to the NAD-RID Code of Professional Conduct and are committed to providing you with responsive, 根据你的需要进行保密沟通.

如果你有一个预定的翻译,将会迟到或缺席, 请尽快提供通知 interpreting@doobale.com.


访问 and 残疾的资源 offers many assistive technology tools for students to check out on a semesterly basis. mg电子试玩app目前有c - pen, 智能笔, 放大镜, 听觉设备, 屏幕读取软件, 音频录音机, ipad, 以及一系列的应用. 我们每年都会更新我们的技术选择, so please note that 访问 and Disability Resource’s inventory of assistive technology may change as technology evolves. 学生 are provided consultations on what technology may benefit them and coaching on how to use the devices and software.

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